Peer Review Process

1 - Receiving manuscripts

The corresponding Author submits the manuscript to the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences through the official email of the journal or by delivering it on a CD to the journal’s office. The manuscript is submitted in two files; the first is the full manuscript without name(s) of authors and their affiliation and the second is the title page with author(s) and their affiliation.

2 - Review Process

  • Two-blind reviews will be completed for each manuscript, where it will be sent by email to two reviewers without name(s).
  • After two weeks, reviews will be received from reviewers. If they agree on the same recommendation, reviews will be sent to authors to handle. After that, modified manuscripts will be sent again to reviewers to check that everything they asked for is completed. If they have other reviews, it will be sent to the corresponding author again.
  • If the two reviewers submitted contradictory decisions, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer and the same previous cycle will be completed.
  • After finishing the review process, authors will be emailed an acceptance letter of their manuscript and they will be asked to submit a clean final version of the manuscript for the production process. A draft pre-final PDF version of the manuscript will be sent to the authors for approval.
  • Finally, the manuscript is finally deposited as the published version online.